Monday, November 30, 2009

Friends on the Journey

June 18, 2009

It's been a few days, kids, college kids, have been finishing up their school year and writing papers. So this laptop has been very occupied. It has actually been good, because it's given me time to pray and think about what to write next. I took time to look at old journals from 2008 and get more details and facts of everything God was doing. I am so amazed by Him and how personal He is. He truly is my Father, My Dad and has walked me throught this process, so patiently and lovingly. I read "Lost Daughters of China", in April of 2008, and it was very educational and informative. And actually quite shocking! I would like to share a few of the quotes from the book, with you, so you can understand, not only what was going on in my heart, but what has gone on in China for decades. This book was written by a lady along with her husband who adopted a precious baby girl from China. "Each daughter adopted from China is a gift beyond measure, and each comes with her own little mystery." "Each document and all the papers that come with each daughter are covered with elegant Chinese writing in rich dark ink. Translated, the document says simply, 'Found Forsaken'. Each daughter from China comes away with these two words, summing up their short lives. "An American couple did see a man carry an infant into a park and set her down while a weeping woman followed, but most parents go unseen, leaving no traces at all." There is a one-child policy in China and because baby boys are more desirable, the girls get abandoned, aborted or worse. Infanticide is an all too common event. Desperation make people do the worst of things, so here I am reading this book and my heart is doing flip flops inside my chest. Rarely did I come away reading this with a dry eye. It messed me with me to say the least! I came home from my vacation with a heart filled with emotions and lots of questions. What could I, one person do? It seems so overwhelming to me! I have a very close friend here in Washington, and her and her husband have become my heroes. They are everyday heroes who have chosen to make a huge difference in the lives of three children. Amy and Paul have adopted 3 drug affected kids and are raising them with love and patience and stability. I know this hasn't been an easy road for them but they are having a huge impact in the lives of these three wonderful children. They are so full of love, that I see God at work. They don't know this, but they have been an excellent example to me to see how you can make all the difference in the life of a child. They have helped me answer the question, "What could I do" ?I am proud to call them friends, and actually they have become like family to my family. Two of their children will be in my son Daniel's wedding in August. Amy and I went for a long walk one day last spring, just sharing our hearts with each other. She told me of her plans to go back to school to be a teacher, and I was very excited for her, because she has such a heart ot help kids, and I knew she would do well. As we were walking I shared what I was going through and she was so wonderfully supportive. As we were talking, a 40ish mom walked by, with a little girl from, you guessed it China! We smiled and looked at each other, I shared that I still didn't know where my husband was at because we hadn't talked about it. She agreed to pray for us, and I don't know if she'll ever know how much that meant to me. Tomorrow I will write about another friend on the journey, who my daughter will be named after. Thank you everyone for all your support. I pray this story touches your heart.

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