Monday, November 30, 2009

Baby Steps in the Journey

June 15, 2009

This journey I have been on has taken many twists and turns along the way. It has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, and recently it has smoothed out for the time being. It seemed like now that I was pretty sure the Lord was speaking about China, I had more questions than I had answers.Jerry and I did not discuss for many weeks, what the Lord was opening up to me. We really did make it a matter of prayer. There were many times I was overwhelmed with this vision bursting in my heart. It was at this time I called a very dear friend, Kathy, to share with her what was going on. I believe it was early April of 2008, I decided I needed to talk to someone. I had been talking to the Lord for almost six months now, and was beginning to get confirmation and an assurance in my heart that pointed towards China.Kathy is a very devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and has been a trusted friend for many years. She has been a confidante, and although we live many miles and states apart we are still very connected. So, I picked up the phone and gave her a call, and began to share the journey and the process I was going through. I shared with her about the possibility of adopting, and she was very excited and supportive to say the least.Kathy and her husband, Jim, have three grown children, and seven years ago they adopted a beautiful little girl from China. Talitha is an extraordinary young lady, and a joy to their family. I knew Kathy would understand what I was going through and I wanted to hear the story of Talitha's adoption. I was very blessed to listen, and she gave me much needed counsel and advice int the area of prayer. I remember her distinctly telling me to leave my husband alone, that if, this was God, God would deal with him. I had decided to do that, but it was very good to hear it again!She sent me two books, "The Lost Daughters of China", and "Saving Levi", both remarkable books. She also advised me to send away to an agency for an adoption application. I began to search the internet for different agencies to see what they were all about. I decided to contact Holt International. They are in Portland, Or. and are pioneers in international adoption.All the while this was going on I kept asking the Lord to clarify what He was showing me. I needed confirmation if it was adoption, because this was a HUGE step. There was our age to consider, our stage in life, the cost of adopting and of raising another child. So in my weakness, I asked for confirmation again and again and again. Well, the Lord is so faithful because He gave it to me again and again and again!I will share one of the remarkable confirmations I received. Jerry and I own a week in Florida at a timeshare. Our week is in April, usually towards the end. We flew from Portland, Or. to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. We reallly enjoy this time away together. I brought the two books with me to read.While we were in our seats, on the plane, belted in, I sat watching the other passengers load. I have to admit one of my favorite pastimes is people watching, so it was interesting watching everyone get acclimated to their seats. I noticed this middle aged couple getting on and moving towards the back of the plane. They were a sharp looking professional couple. They were toting some precious cargo, a little girl, around 4 from China. This could be coincidental, I thought to myself, but I was enthralled to say the least.We had a bit of a layover in Denver, so as we were sitting waiting to board again, I noticed this couple were waitng near us too. I watched them out of the corner of my eye, still thinking this is quite a coincidence! We got on the plane to fly the rest of the way to Florida, it is a rather long flight so I started to read, "The Lost Daughters of China", and got lost in it. About an hour before we landed, I could overhear the man behind me talking to the two people sitting next to him. I could not see them, but I could hear them. After small talk, he asked them why they were flying into Ft. Lauderdale. They responded that they were doctors, going there for a medical convention. I heard accents, and I wondered where they were from. He asked them," Where are you from?" They responded, "Bejing, China!"My ears were hot, I though ok, so I asked for confirmation Lord and first of all, there is a couple from Portland on our flight who have a daughter from China. Still could be coincidental, but this?!! Right behind me a young couple, doctors from Bejing?! I listened to them talk to each other in Mandarin, and something, more like Someone was resonating in my heart, "China, China, China!"That week was wonderful, filled with sunshine and beach and ocean! And I read both books, so the door of my heart was opening even wider to China.We boarded our flight ot go home the following week, and guess who sat almost directly across from us? The couple with little the girl!! Her name was Ivy. And I began to strike up a conversation, this wife was there to attend a medical convention, she was a pediatrician, and her husband and little girl were going to get some pool time! No more a coincidence! But I believe a confiramtion, there were many more to come.I am humbled and blessed that God is using this to encourage and enlighten. My desire is that it will bring glory to the Lord. Keep reading, there is more to come!

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