Monday, November 30, 2009

The Journey

June 10, 2009

I'm am writing this note, because of the journey I've been on the last 20 months. To say the least it's been an incredible one. Sometimes filled with some emotional ups and downs, but a journey worth taking.It all started in October of 2007. We have an annual women's conference at our church. The guest speaker is Chene' Tucker, she has become a trusted friend of our church. A servant of God in the truest sense of the word. One of the qualities I love about her ministry is she prays for every woman that attends the conference, no small feat. At this conference, I am very occupied with praying for it, it consumes me actually, for the previous weeks and days leading up to it.I want every woman to be ministered to, and to come away knowing Jesus better. I know that sounds so simplistic, but isn't that what every pastor, leader in the Body of Christ should desire? It's my greatest desire. And I have never been disappointed. The Lord is faithful. Well, this particular October, of 2007, she prayed for me. A short, simple prayer really, "The Lord is going to give you the international vision.", was the prayer. I have learned a few things, over the years, and instead of going on the rollercoaster of, "I wonder if it's this, or could it be that", which is my usual response! I decided, with much help from the Helper Himself, to leave it alone. My heart engaged with the prayer, but my head wasn't going to play the games it usually does.This was the right way to go, because about a month later, during a worship service, I was niclely minding myself, worshipping my God, and suddenly I had a vision, now when I say this, for me, not one given to visions, in my heart I saw Asian girls. Not just a few, but many, little girls, school aged girls and teens and young women. Ummm, I was taken by surprise, and just decided to pray about it and keep it tucked in my heart. My heart was very touched and the waterworks started to flow.I am not a very emotional person, but when the Presence touches my heart, the response is usually quick and very wet! Face, cheeks, chin, sometimes shirt! Well, this was one of those occasions. And it left me with more questions then answers.This was the beginning of my journey and a journey in which I found myself holding onto His Hand and asking alot of questions.I will be continuing this journey with anyone who wants to read it. It is meant ot be a source of encouragement to the readers, and a testimony of our Awesome God.

The Journey Continues

June 11, 2009

This journey has been a truly amazing one, it's been a season of change and rearrange in my heart. My thoughts, my faith, my heart has been really challenged. And it has been one of the greatest times of my life with the Lord.The vision of the girls was on a Sunday in November of 2007. I instantly knew in my heart they were Chinese. I prayed for them, and pondered the vision. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays in our church sanctuary we open up the doors for prayer in the midday. There is a faithful prayer warrior there every time the doors are open. She is like Anna in the gospel of Luke:2-36-37. We are honored and privileged that the Lord has called her to our house of worship, and I will be eternally grateful for her faithfulness to pray for us and the people of Northgate.I am there 90% of the time, if I am not traveling or ill. But she is always there! We rarely talk, just say hello and get to the business at hand. Well, on this particular Tuesday, before prayer, she handed me a book. She said, "Mary, I think you need to read this." I really didn't look at it closely, but said, 'Ok". During the prayer time I picked it up and took a look. The title of the book is 'Safely Home'. A fictional story about the persecuted church in China! Needless to say, I was a little rattled, and set it down again. And I just kind of kept looking over at it once in a while, realizing that the timing of this was pretty amazing.I decided later to read it, in January, when I went to Texas to be with my daughter Katie and her husband and new baby granddaughter, Charis. Nanna was coming and coming to stay for quite a while. I felt like, I'll 'deal' with it then! I thought I could read it late at night, I like to take a new book with me when I travel, so this would be the one.In December of 2007, I had a dream. This dream, took my breath away. In the dream, I was sitting in my living room, where I live now, and a little girl was twirling and spinning and showing off her pretty dress. I was clapping, and laughing and really enjoying her. This little girl was Chinese. She was about four or maybe five. I woke up thinking and believing this dream was from God. So, what did it mean? I remembered the vision, the book I was about to read, and now this dream? God? What is going on, Father? Then I decided to make it a matter of prayer, especially when I went to Texas.I didn't breathe a word of this to anyone. I wanted to process what was going on, not realizing at the time, God was taking me through a huge process! I was in the middle of His Process! It's funny when we pray, "Holy Spirit, rearrange me, mess with me, do whatever you want", and then when He does it, it freaks us out!So, I went to Texas, enjoyed my time with my kids and granddaughter and began reading the book. I could not put it down! I sensed in a strange way, that this book was intregal in the journey. The book began to mess with me, majorly, about what the persecuted church goes through in China and throughout the world. It was very unsettling, so much so, it kept me up at night! God began to 'open my heart' to China.Well, there is so much more to this journey, if you'll hang in there with me, I believe you will be blessed. Interested? Keep reading.

Enjoying the Journey

June 13, 2209

I needed to take a break from the writing, it has so consumed me. After I write, I am excited all over again. I have made the mistake of writing in the evening and then find myself wide awake way into the wee morning hours. I am very passsionate about Jesus, about who He is, and what He is doing so I can't just shut it off, if you know what I mean. I have been described as hyper and vivacious, by my close friends, and although I certainly agree, it goes much deeper. It's the Passion, always, the undercurrent perculating in my heart.I have been realizing as I get older, that it really is all about Jesus, and His plans and purposes for our lives. The fact that He has chosen to speak to me blows me away, and it takes awhile to recover, so when I write I am blown away all over again. I can really sense His Presence and compassion, when I wirte, one of the reasons I must write this in pieces. Thank you all, for coming on this journey with me and My Lord, and for bearing with me. I did go to Texas, and greet my brand new granddaughter, Charis. It was a very special time. Bonding with my oldest daughter Katie at a whole new level. She was now a mother, and what a tremendous mother she is. I just wanted to be of help, and they actually wanted me to stay with them for about a month. We live so far apart, that any time we get together is always special. Brian,who is so gracious, is a special young man to say the least. He is an excellent husband and father. So it was exciting times for all of us. Welcoming this new life into the family was such a treat!New life was happening in my heart, which paralleled the new life of my granddaughter. While Mommy and baby were napping, I woulld often check my email. There was an email from 'Voice of the Martyrs', which I thought was kind of unusual, since I never received one from this organization before. I opened it, and took a look and began to weep. It was about a pastor, a lady, in China who was in prison. The Father was opening the door of my heart wider, from a crack to a little wider look. I was being stirred and challenged by the book, 'Safely Home', and now the Lord was showing me the reality of the situation the persecuted church goes through, by sending me an email, with a name and a face of a 'real'person. This woman was in prison for sharing her faith, which we can do freely in this country. I journal. This is a good habit I picked up and got hooked on during a Mexico missons trip years earlier. The Lord was doing a change and rearrange during that trip, and I wanted to record everything as best as I could. Well, that habit did not leave me, I have continued to journal and document prayers, scriptures, answers to prayer, prophetic impressons from the Lord and documented miracles from the Lord. After reading this eamil, a light clicked on. I looked in my journal from Oct. 2007, and remembered the prayer from Chene'. that God was going to give me the international vision. I had a A Hah moment! The vision from Lord, The Vision is for China!!Then, I totally engaged in prayer, some of you as you read this are probably thinking" Hello!" But you have to realize this was God's timing and His plan to reveal to me. I began to engage in the Process, and it started to reveal more details. I started asking and seeking the Lord for specific answers. I revisted the dream, of the little girl dancing and twirling in my living room. (As I write, "I will dance with Cinderella" is playing on my ipod dock. It is on shuffle and there is 1000 songs on it. ) Ok, so i asked the Lord, the obvious question, "Do you want us to adopt?" Or does that little girl represent something or someone in China, Lord I want answers. He was faithful to answer and give so much confirmation over the next many months, and I will continue the story tomorrow. The waterworks decided to flow again, so I am going to go, until later.

More of the Journey

June 14, 2009

Well, it's a new day, and actually a beautiful Sunday. It's quiet at my house, a rarity, so I am going to take this opportunity to continue writing.I began to realize in January of 2008, that the Lord was speaking to me about China. I returned from Texas and continued to seek the Lord about this China thing. I meet with a great friend, Kayla, once a week, and have coffee, well, I have water, not much of a coffee drinker, and we have God talks. I am her mentor, but I learn so much from her. We were at St. Arbucks, and I was brimming over with what the Lord had been doing in recent months. I shared briefly that I believed He was speaking to me about China. I talked to her about the book I read, 'Safely Home' and the vision and the dream. We were both amazed and continued to move on to other topics.A few days later she returned from a weekend away, and handed me a book. This time it was 'Heavenly Man', the true story of Brother Yun. He is the leader of the underground church in China. As I read this account of his life, the challenge and the change in my heart went deeper. My heart was very moved as I read the trials and challenges the persecuted church goes through just to live out their faith.In February of 2008, my husband and I went away to Sun River Or. for a prayer retreat.A couple from our church blessed us with the use of their timeshare condo. We were really looking forward to it.I am married to the best of men. He knew I wasn't myself lately and in the days leading up to the retreat had asked me if I was ok. I assured him, yes, that I would share what was going on in my heart when we were alone. We live in a house full of activity, so it's hard to have any lengthy discussions, we usually have to leave to talk to have any privacy.We walked and prayed and read. It was a wonderful and refreshing week. At times though, I would be so overwhelmed with thoughts of China, that I wanted to get away from it. I decided to pick up one of the books I had brought to forget for awhile. This is a book about the heroes of faith from the turn of the century. It is filled with minibiographies of missionaries and evangelists and church leaders from days gone by. I thought this would be an excellent distraction. I picked someone in the middle of the book, a widow from San Franscisco who owned a large Victorian home with lots of room. The Lord gave her a ministry to be a mom to missionaries that came off the field. She would cook for them and take care of them for a few days or a few weeks. She would minister to their needs. They left her feeling refreshed and ready to do God's work again.A couple came to her, you guessed it from China! She hadn't yet been filled with the Holy Spirit, and they prayed with her to receive her prayer language. At this time the Lord gave her a burden for CHINA! And her prayer language was Mandarin. Which was very remarkable, but even more remarkable to me was, even when I wanted to get away from it for a while I could not!!I had decided to tell my husband everything, the vision, the timing of receiving the book and the dream. On the last night we were there, we went to this great little Italian restaurant in Sun River. During dinner I started to share what I had been going through the last few months. First the vision, then the book, and lastly the dream. You have to know something, there is no one on earth I respect more or love than my husband, I never realized I could love one man so much and for 30 years too! He has been there through thick and thin and the valleys and the mountain tops. He has been an excellent husband and father to our six children, and a great provider. Through it all, he has remained my best best friend. The last thing I ever wanted to do was 'rock his world'!So the tears started and I asked him if he would be willing to pray about adopting. He looked down at his plate of food, probably losing his appetite, and said, "Yes, I am willing to pray." I loved him more at that moment than ever, because he is a man of his word, I knew he would pray.There is more to come, this is lengthy, but I don't want you, the reader, to miss any of the details. Our God is intricately involved in our lives.

Baby Steps in the Journey

June 15, 2009

This journey I have been on has taken many twists and turns along the way. It has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, and recently it has smoothed out for the time being. It seemed like now that I was pretty sure the Lord was speaking about China, I had more questions than I had answers.Jerry and I did not discuss for many weeks, what the Lord was opening up to me. We really did make it a matter of prayer. There were many times I was overwhelmed with this vision bursting in my heart. It was at this time I called a very dear friend, Kathy, to share with her what was going on. I believe it was early April of 2008, I decided I needed to talk to someone. I had been talking to the Lord for almost six months now, and was beginning to get confirmation and an assurance in my heart that pointed towards China.Kathy is a very devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and has been a trusted friend for many years. She has been a confidante, and although we live many miles and states apart we are still very connected. So, I picked up the phone and gave her a call, and began to share the journey and the process I was going through. I shared with her about the possibility of adopting, and she was very excited and supportive to say the least.Kathy and her husband, Jim, have three grown children, and seven years ago they adopted a beautiful little girl from China. Talitha is an extraordinary young lady, and a joy to their family. I knew Kathy would understand what I was going through and I wanted to hear the story of Talitha's adoption. I was very blessed to listen, and she gave me much needed counsel and advice int the area of prayer. I remember her distinctly telling me to leave my husband alone, that if, this was God, God would deal with him. I had decided to do that, but it was very good to hear it again!She sent me two books, "The Lost Daughters of China", and "Saving Levi", both remarkable books. She also advised me to send away to an agency for an adoption application. I began to search the internet for different agencies to see what they were all about. I decided to contact Holt International. They are in Portland, Or. and are pioneers in international adoption.All the while this was going on I kept asking the Lord to clarify what He was showing me. I needed confirmation if it was adoption, because this was a HUGE step. There was our age to consider, our stage in life, the cost of adopting and of raising another child. So in my weakness, I asked for confirmation again and again and again. Well, the Lord is so faithful because He gave it to me again and again and again!I will share one of the remarkable confirmations I received. Jerry and I own a week in Florida at a timeshare. Our week is in April, usually towards the end. We flew from Portland, Or. to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. We reallly enjoy this time away together. I brought the two books with me to read.While we were in our seats, on the plane, belted in, I sat watching the other passengers load. I have to admit one of my favorite pastimes is people watching, so it was interesting watching everyone get acclimated to their seats. I noticed this middle aged couple getting on and moving towards the back of the plane. They were a sharp looking professional couple. They were toting some precious cargo, a little girl, around 4 from China. This could be coincidental, I thought to myself, but I was enthralled to say the least.We had a bit of a layover in Denver, so as we were sitting waiting to board again, I noticed this couple were waitng near us too. I watched them out of the corner of my eye, still thinking this is quite a coincidence! We got on the plane to fly the rest of the way to Florida, it is a rather long flight so I started to read, "The Lost Daughters of China", and got lost in it. About an hour before we landed, I could overhear the man behind me talking to the two people sitting next to him. I could not see them, but I could hear them. After small talk, he asked them why they were flying into Ft. Lauderdale. They responded that they were doctors, going there for a medical convention. I heard accents, and I wondered where they were from. He asked them," Where are you from?" They responded, "Bejing, China!"My ears were hot, I though ok, so I asked for confirmation Lord and first of all, there is a couple from Portland on our flight who have a daughter from China. Still could be coincidental, but this?!! Right behind me a young couple, doctors from Bejing?! I listened to them talk to each other in Mandarin, and something, more like Someone was resonating in my heart, "China, China, China!"That week was wonderful, filled with sunshine and beach and ocean! And I read both books, so the door of my heart was opening even wider to China.We boarded our flight ot go home the following week, and guess who sat almost directly across from us? The couple with little the girl!! Her name was Ivy. And I began to strike up a conversation, this wife was there to attend a medical convention, she was a pediatrician, and her husband and little girl were going to get some pool time! No more a coincidence! But I believe a confiramtion, there were many more to come.I am humbled and blessed that God is using this to encourage and enlighten. My desire is that it will bring glory to the Lord. Keep reading, there is more to come!

Friends on the Journey

June 18, 2009

It's been a few days, kids, college kids, have been finishing up their school year and writing papers. So this laptop has been very occupied. It has actually been good, because it's given me time to pray and think about what to write next. I took time to look at old journals from 2008 and get more details and facts of everything God was doing. I am so amazed by Him and how personal He is. He truly is my Father, My Dad and has walked me throught this process, so patiently and lovingly. I read "Lost Daughters of China", in April of 2008, and it was very educational and informative. And actually quite shocking! I would like to share a few of the quotes from the book, with you, so you can understand, not only what was going on in my heart, but what has gone on in China for decades. This book was written by a lady along with her husband who adopted a precious baby girl from China. "Each daughter adopted from China is a gift beyond measure, and each comes with her own little mystery." "Each document and all the papers that come with each daughter are covered with elegant Chinese writing in rich dark ink. Translated, the document says simply, 'Found Forsaken'. Each daughter from China comes away with these two words, summing up their short lives. "An American couple did see a man carry an infant into a park and set her down while a weeping woman followed, but most parents go unseen, leaving no traces at all." There is a one-child policy in China and because baby boys are more desirable, the girls get abandoned, aborted or worse. Infanticide is an all too common event. Desperation make people do the worst of things, so here I am reading this book and my heart is doing flip flops inside my chest. Rarely did I come away reading this with a dry eye. It messed me with me to say the least! I came home from my vacation with a heart filled with emotions and lots of questions. What could I, one person do? It seems so overwhelming to me! I have a very close friend here in Washington, and her and her husband have become my heroes. They are everyday heroes who have chosen to make a huge difference in the lives of three children. Amy and Paul have adopted 3 drug affected kids and are raising them with love and patience and stability. I know this hasn't been an easy road for them but they are having a huge impact in the lives of these three wonderful children. They are so full of love, that I see God at work. They don't know this, but they have been an excellent example to me to see how you can make all the difference in the life of a child. They have helped me answer the question, "What could I do" ?I am proud to call them friends, and actually they have become like family to my family. Two of their children will be in my son Daniel's wedding in August. Amy and I went for a long walk one day last spring, just sharing our hearts with each other. She told me of her plans to go back to school to be a teacher, and I was very excited for her, because she has such a heart ot help kids, and I knew she would do well. As we were walking I shared what I was going through and she was so wonderfully supportive. As we were talking, a 40ish mom walked by, with a little girl from, you guessed it China! We smiled and looked at each other, I shared that I still didn't know where my husband was at because we hadn't talked about it. She agreed to pray for us, and I don't know if she'll ever know how much that meant to me. Tomorrow I will write about another friend on the journey, who my daughter will be named after. Thank you everyone for all your support. I pray this story touches your heart.

The Incredible Journey

June 21, 2009

I am so amazed by what God is doing. This journey has changed me, from the inside out. I feel like there has been a transformation way deep in my heart. The Lord has poured more of His compassion in my heart than ever before.How many of you know that just as in the natural when something is poured into a container to the top, everything comes floating to the top. And when it overflows, the floaties come gushing out, the impurities come washing out. This is the best way to describe what has been been happening. It's been painful at times, but glorious to let go of the impurites.So this has most assuredly been a cleansing process. The result has been this deeper relationship with Him. I have come out of this cleansing season, different, lighter. The things I used to think were important aren't anymore. One of the most remarkable things is He is burning out the things that do not bring Him glory. I have let go of my idea of what I thought my life should be at this age.Life has become simpler, more focused. I don't think about all the what if's. And this incredible peace and confidence has taken over my life. The fear of what people think of me has been hacked off my life. This has been a lifelong battle, and now it's over. I had gained ground in this area over the years, but it has been a slow process. Now, it's gone and I attribute it to this Journey and Process I have been on.I mentioned a couple of days ago, I would talk about another friend on the journey. This friend of mine has become very near and dear to me, since I moved here. She is such an example of excellence and what a godly woman should be. And she is extremely sweet and humble. All she has ever wanted to be is a wife and a mother, which she does with grace and joy. Integrity is her nature and she is beautiful on the inside and the outside. Her name is Kynda, rhymes with Linda, and last summer as I began to accept this plan from the Lord, during a prayer time I decided to 'name' this little girl that I saw dancing in my dream. I named her 'Kynda Grace', and have been praying for her ever since. I would be proud if she grew up like her namesake.I remember having a conversation with Kynda, my friend, last summer, asking her what her name meant . She wasn't quite sure, I have since looked up the name and it's hard to find. 'Kenda' means cool, refreshing waters. I like that, because whenever I am with my friend, I come away feeling refreshed!Recently, like early last spring, I told my friend about our plans to adopt and that I would like to name our little girl Kynda after her. She was humbled, blessed and honored. I have a feeling they will be close, and I would be very happy if they were!More confirmations came throughout the summer and fall of 2008, which I will share in the next few notes.

Summer of the Journey

June 26, 2009

It's been a few days, but I have been really contemplating what to write next. Summer of last year was great, busy, with visitors and family coming and going. My youngest son, Jon went back to Marshfield, Wi. in July of 2008, to visit old friends. He was gone for about a week. I remember leaving really, really, really early in the morning, I think around 3:30 am. He had an early morning flight from Portland. It was a pretty quiet ride down to the airport. We were all sleepy, although my husband being the early morning person that he is, kept everyone awake chattering away!We said our goodbyes at the airport, and headed for home. It was around 6:00 am, when we were on the road again. Tasha, Jon's girlfriend, accompanied us and she was dozing off. During one of her awake times, she randomly stated, "You guys should adopt a little girl from China." I woke up, hearing that, and cleared my throat. Jerry gave me a sideways look, and I shrugged. I had not talked to my children, about any of this!The Lord kept pointing towards China, it was like "Look up Here! Look up Here!" He would not let me forget, in fact, it was starting to get humorous! Of course, I was glued to the television set last summer because the 2008 Summer Olympics were in Bejiing! Actually I was in overload!Nicole came to me during the summer and said, "Mom, I had a dream,". I said "Ok, tell me about it." She said, " I dreamt that I had a little sister, and I was helping her with physical therapy. And Mom, the weird thing is, she was Asian." Let me talk about Nicole for a bit. She is an extremely special young lady, and I feel this way about her brothers and sisters, too. But, Nicole has had many obstacles to overcome during her young life. And she has overcome them all, with the help of God's Grace. She was born at 26 weeks, weighing only 1 pound 10 ounces. She stayed in the neonatal icu for 83 days and came home weighing 4 pounds. Many illnesses and challenges faced her in the days to come, but God is great and healed her through it all. The only thing left to be healed is she has cerebral palsy. This affects her lower extremities, and she has had mulitple corrective surgeries on her legs. Years of physical therapy has been a way of life for her and she has miraculously gone through it all with God's help.It hasn't been easy for her, but her faith in God has amazed me, and I know she has been a source of inspiration, not only for her family but for all the people she has met throughout her life. She is 18 now and has grown into a gracious, mature beautiful young woman. Her dad and I are extremely proud of her and we know that she will make a fantastic big sister to her mei mei (Little sister in Chinese).More is coming, and it just continues to amaze me how personal God is.

Divine Appointmens on the Journey

June 28, 2009

Thank you everyone for your interest in reading these notes. I would advise you to read them listening for what the Lord is saying to you. Sometimes we are so one dimensional, and He has been challenging me lately to look for the "sermon within the sermon". When I read my Bible, hear a sermon, read an inspirational book or meet and fellowship with another Christian, my ear is tuned to His heart.I am growing in this area, but it amazing what you'll hear when you do this. It's as simple as a prayer, "Lord, what do You want to speak to me today?" So I pray this story of the Journey is inspiring you, and spurring you on in your life with the Lord. That is it's intent. The Big Idea is God is really into you, and cares about the destiny He has for you. He knows that tied to your destiny are so many others destinies. We must hit the mark, and realize our full potential in Him.As you can imagine by the end of August 2008, I was hyper sensitive to what was going on in my life regarding China. I had to pace myself and rest in Him, alot, which is always the best way to go! My heart was so full of what He was saying that I had to ask for His help, just to not be overwhelmed by it!Nicole started her junior year last August. She came home one day and said, "Mom, there is a new kid at school, his name is Johnathan." I said, "What grade is he in?" She replied, "He is in 7th, and Mom, he is from China!" I looked at her and said "Whaaaaat"? "He is from China, Mom."she stated.Maybe that is not so remarkable in itself, but here I was, with an ear tuned in, I felt like my ears were turned way forward all the time, like a horse listening for intructions from his rider. So needless to say, my ears were almost at a 90 degree angle!!! The remarkable part is, the school is in our church building. We are very blessed to house a Christian junior high and high school. My husband, is in and out of the building throughout the day and the week.We encounter students, and actually love the activity which young people bring.Johnathan met Nicole and wanted to know about her dad. He made sure he always told her," He is a good man, Nicole." And then when they met, he immediatley took a liking to my husband.Well, I hadn't met him yet. I was in the church office one day, and there is a window in the reception area, where you can see into the lunch room. I was talking to Mary Ann, our awesome church secretary, and I spotted Jonathan through the window. He was standing, smiling, in amongst all his friends. Smiling is what he is usually doing, he is a ray of sunshine. I said, "Excuse me , Mare, I have to go meet someone."As I walked through the lunchroom to go meet him, this strange thing began to happen to me. The closer I got, the bigger the lump in my throat got so that by the time I walked up to him I was an emotoinal wreck! I tried to introduce myself, and said, with a very husky voice, "Hi, I am Nicole's Mom." All the while clearing my throat!! Well, I got hit with the biggest ray of sunshine, that I have encountered in a long time. "Hello! (Like I was a long lost friend}You are Nicole's Mom? And Your husband is Pastor Jerry?He is a good man. I really like him." I was standing there looking at him with tears at the rim of my eyes, I shakily said, "Nice to meet you Johnathan." And removed myself quickly! I went back into the church office and balled. Poor Mary Ann, she looked at me, and said. "Is everything alright?" I said, "Umm yeah, it's a God thing, I'll explain later."I went into my office and cried and wept. You see it was everything he represents. His story is an amazing one, he is 14 and in China, he was chained to a bed from the age of 2-6. Then he must have been moved to a better orphanage and then he was adopted when he was older. He has a repaired cleft palate, and I am not sure when it was corrected. In China, babies born with any defect, are seen as imperfect and so are shunned by society. Many children there with minor correctable isssues are discarded, which really doesn't leave much hope for the children with more serious issues.So this was going on in my heart when I met him. It all came flooding out through tears, my heart was now, wide open. When you ask the Lord to prepare your heart be ready for Him to mess with you way deep in your heart. I sensed the Father say to me, "This, This right here, Mary, This is what I care about!"So the Lord kept bringing China to me, and the Chinese orphan more specifically. Why China? I really don't know, but I do know He is really into the details and this is where He has me.After that initial meeting, I have had several converstaions with Johnathan, as he was going to class and I was on my way to pray in the sanctuary. One time he said to me, "Mary, don't you love it when Jesus hunts you down?" He is on fire for Jesus and that explains the ray of sunshine that comes out of him.Look for the divine appointments, because in reality, every person you meet is a divine encounter. God has brought them across your path. Be a ray of sunshine to someone, like my friend Johnathan.

My Travel Agent for the Journey

July 5, 2009

It's been a awhile! I have really been seeking the Lord this week. Checking in with Him, to see what He wants written. So my notes have been quiet this week, I apologize for that.To say that this journey has been about reevaluating my life is an understatement. I turned 50 a year and a half ago, and although I don't feel 50 or in my case a little older, the fact is now I am in my fifties!I am very blessed to be in good health, and I think I feel better than I did than when I was in my thirties. So to me, it's just a number. Sometimes. I do feel the crunch of the clock ticking away and there are many God given dreams that I have yet to experience. Chene' Tucker did an excellent teaching at our church on a Sunday morning 2 years ago. She equated our lives like a 24 hour period and she said she was approaching 3:30 to 4:00pm. Still some daylight left, but most of the afternoon was spent. It was a sobering thought, and left quite an impression on me. I was fast approaching the supper hour! It's a good thing I am a night owl!The big idea in the teaching was to make our lives count for something, to leave a legacy. We will ALL leave some sort of legacy, but what will it be? I believe if we know Jesus and continue to live for Him, we want our legacy to leave a mark for the next generation to follow. To follow Jesus!All we can ever leave our children is the Lord. I want my children and my grandchildren to be disciples of Jesus. I pray they are worldchangers, turning the world right side up for Jesus! My God given dreams may be for my children and for their children. The inheritance I pray for and dream about may be for them. And I'm ok with that, because it is my heart's desire. The big reevaluation is still taking place, I am becoming free. I am beginning to care about what He cares about. The orphan and the fatherless are at the center of His heart. And I have been humbled and blessed that He has asked me to be a part of what I believe He is doing. Churches are beginning to to get a clue, we are His answer to the hungry, the naked , the lonely. We are supposed to represent Him and to be Jesus with skin on. It's time we were about our Father's business.The Holy Spirit, my Travel Agent through this life, has been traveling through my heart and blazing quite a trail. I love the treasures that He is revealing and leaving. He is an Agent of God's love. The residual is a Holy material, life changing stuff!!In Oct. of 2008, we had our annual women's conference. I was in the mode of praying and lining up all the details for the conference, and I remembered the week of the conference to ask for confirmation about our little girl.The weekend was almost over and I was the last person Chene' prayed for, after a long weekend of ministry. The first thing out of her mouth was, "Children of the World", and she proceeded to say alot more. More about mothering and nurturing. You know how it is when you realize you know why you were created? Well, that's what that moment was like. I immediately felt a confidence and a comfort in what God had been doing in my life.Everything suddenly became clear and made sense! The vision has come into view because God has come more into view! He is asking us to do something significant for the orphan. To house the orphan, to love the orphan, to parent the orphan, because essentially that is what He has done for us!I believe the Lord is asking the church to become more glorious, in these last days. The only way we can do that is to actually make a difference in lives for eternity. Not with our programs, not with our polished church services, not with the latest cool movement, not with building our kingdoms, but with building His kingdom. I have been challenged by my Travel Agent to take the road less traveled, to take His road.


August 24, 2009

It is the eve of my youngest son, Jon's, wedding, and it is late. But I cannot sleep thinking of him. He is a marvelous young man, and tomorrow he will become a husband. He is marrying the love of his life, a beautiful young lady named Tasha.I could not have picked a more perfect soul mate and best friend for my son. They will have a life together that is 'kissed' from heaven.This has been a crazy week! A week filled with activity, lots of airports runs, lunches out, special gatherings with relatives and close friends. These are cherished moments, and I wish somehow I could freeze the time and make it stand still. Time that would stand still or move a little slower with my sister, Donna, and her husband, Neil, and their children, Jeff and Sara and their grandson, Cash. All the laughter and the heart to hearts about our kids would be something I wish I could hold in my heart when these very special close ones are long gone!And what would we do without all the friends that have stepped up to aid us in one of the busiest times of our lives. The chicken enchiladas for twenty that Amy and her mom Pat made, that literally saved us. And the assembling of sandwiches for a bridal part of twenty, no small feat, put together by Carol! A bonfire and dessert night at the Lemeire's, for all of us late on Monday night!And then I would take all of my six children and their spouses and fiancees and freeze frame time, with every laugh, every tease, every I love you Mom, and thank you Mom and Dad! And my granddaughter, Charis, and her goofy little personality, and her ability to make a whole room full of us smile and laugh! Each memory, each picture in my heart, is a snapshot that I never want to forget!Life is filled with many firsts, first steps, first day of school, first date, first time you drive a car, first job, but is it filled with just as many lasts. And I am realizing that this week. Making Jon his last scrambled egg breakfast, just from Mom. Washing and folding his laundry for the last time. Hearing him tell me where he is going and when he'll be home. I will no longer know his daily schedule, and even though I will always be his mom, our relationship will change. I guess we will be more like peers, as much as we can be, and that is ok.I cried, at 1:30 am on Monday morning this week. Thinking about this sweet little boy, who will never live under our roof anymore, and how He has blossomed into a strong, young man, with loads of character, makes my heart feel very full! God has helped us do our job, and I guess even though this has been a week of reflection, joy, and feeling sentimental, I can totally rejoice that tomorrow, Jon will meet his God ordained destiny, under a beautiful July sky in Washington, and become a husband. He could not make his mother prouder, than I could imagine, and I am grateful for tomorrow.

Smell Me???

August 28, 2009

Smell Me???

One of my son's favorite things to say is, "Mom, smell me?" Which could be a dangerous thing to do! What he is really saying is ,"Mom, do you get it? or Mom, do you catch my meaning?" I know all my young friends are laughing at me because it is a new saying to me! Back in the day, we used to say "Do you dig? or, Do you dig it?" For all those old hippies, I bet you can remember yourselves saying this, true???This morning in my prayer room, I "happened" upon these scriptures from the One Year Bible. 2Cor.2:14-"But thanks be to God, who made us his captives and leads us along in Christ's triumphal procession. Now wherever we go He uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume."Something in my heart was stirred, I want that!! I wrote in my journal, "Lord, help me to spread the Gospel-the Good News-like a sweet smelling perfume!!"Sounds like a simple prayer right?! But in actuality and reality it challenges me to the core!! I began to meditate on my life, it was like the Holy Spirit was shining the light of conviction into the depths of my heart and saying, "Mary do you Smell Me? Do you dig??" He is challenging me to take a good, long , hard look at my life, my action, attitudes, my behavior, my words, my thoughts, and everything my life represents and bringing this point into focus, making it a priority again. And the point is this, do I, Mary Dahlke smell like Him?It's funny when you spend time with someone, you begin to pick up on their characteristics. My wonderful husband and I have been blessed to be married for 31 years. And after 31 years of doing life together, we can pretty much finish each others sentences. I know if one of the kids or if someone else asks me a question that is in the realm of his responsibilties, I usually know what his answer would be. Without ever having to ask him, I know how he likes things done, and he knows how I like things done. We have been students of each other for 32 years, so it's safe to say I know him pretty well. Having said all of that, he still surprises me, and it's all good!The same is true with our relationship with the Lord, time spent with Him and by time, I mean, daily, intimate, on purpose time, will develop His qualities in our lives. It is what I live for. For years I lived life in my own power, with my own earthly qualities, and yes, you guessed it, it ended up in a deadend experience. I couldn't get away from myself! My life was deadended! I might have been moving, but I was going round and round in circles.A few years ago,I stopped and allowed God to get a hold of me! And allowed Him to lead me, guide me , direct my path!! His Word has become a light unto my path! It is time spent with Him and in His Word that has made any lasting change in my life! And it's like a huge Invite! He is saying come on in to the celebration, to life with Me!! This is contagious Christianity! This is so not dependent on circumstances, or feelings. Both are extremelytemporary and fickle! The only solid thing we can ever stand on is His Word, Jesus is the Living Word! He is the Chief Cornerstone!We can have as much of God as we want, I can have as much of God as I want. I want to think like Jesus, act like Jesus, serve like Jesus,forgive like Jesus, love like Jesus, and essentially SMELL like Jesus. So back to the One Year Bible, I decided I wanted to dig deeper, and I ran to my husband's office and swiped his Message Bible to see what it said. And knowing him so well, he won't care as long as I return it to it's original place!! I've learned through experience that this is always best!! And this knocked my socks off, well, I am not wearing any, but if I were....2Cor.2:14-16,"In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. {Wonderful,that's me} Through us, He brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way to salvation {Hello!!me again}-an aroma redolent{I looked it up,it is a smell that fills an entire room or building} But those on the way to destruction treat us like the stench from a rotting corpse."Wow, that is a boatload and I love it! The Word is changing my life once again today, I pray it changes your life too! You can have as much of Him as you want. He has given Himself freely, but it costs us, our lives devoted to becoming more like Him, to smell like Him. The reason, the why? Because there is a lost and dying world out there smelling all kinds of things, let them get a whiff of God through you!!It is vital that you allow Him to work in you and through you, someone's life depends on it! I pray this encourages anyone who reads it, I just had to share it!!!

Rest Stop, "On the Journey"

Rest Stop, "On the Journey"

November 30, 2009

I'm back at it. I have been on a bit of a Sabbatical from writing my notes, and I am really sorry about that. But I must be inspired, the inspiration that comes from the heart. The language of the heart that will touch the reader and then in turn inspire them to reach out to God with their hearts.This Sabbatical I have been on has been one of marrying two boys off to two of the best young ladies. Their weddings were three weeks apart and both of them were wonderful events! And this fall there has been alot of traveling and conferences.So what about 'The Journey?' Now that the busyness is over, I'm back at it! This adoption journey is picking back up again. It's kind of like a really long road trip. If you've ever driven through Kansas or Nebraska you'll notice how flat the landscape is. It is incredibly flat! And during those times, I always take a really nice long nap. Because there really isn't much to see. Well, that is how it has been on this particular leg of the jouney. Not much to see! But we are approaching the mountains I believe. When we would travel from Wisconsin to Colorado, I could always see the Rockies from far off! Hundreds of miles actually, and an excitement would start to stir in my heart!I am starting to see! I am starting to see something or someone materialize! Soemone is in our sight, on the horizon! God is so good! In the last 6 weeks I have asked again and again for confirmation, and again and again He has been faithful!One day, this fall, at church while I was praying, I cried out to the Lord, "What is going on here, Lord? Let me know if we are on the right track!" Two days later, from a person I have never met a check came in the mail for our little girl in China. Confirmation? I think so! And the following week we were given another check! Which was a good start, and knowing God was moving in this arena was even greater, because we need a financial miracle, but He was beginning to move!But the following week we heard from our adoption agency that we had until the end of January to come up with 8000$ or it was over, because of Jerry's age. My husband and I decided at that time, to wait and see if the money would come in. Devastating news, after being on this long journey with God! It was turning into a trip, I was crushed. I cried out to God with a broken heart, knowing He is near the broken hearted, "What has this been all about?" No real answer right away, but then it began to dawn on me, if nothing happens, the best thing that has happenend is I am not the same person I was when this whole thing started! As much as it hurt, I made a quality decision to realize it has been so worth taking this trip! My heart has His cause in it! The Orphan!Before this I had begun dreaming in September of 2009, to start doing women's conferences to help women get mobilized and pick up God's causes. I beleive God is raising up women to make a difference for good in the earth. And the big idea behind the conference is to get us all out of Me mode and survival mode and to get activated and believe we can really do something great for God.A portion of the finances from these conferences will go to God's cause, The Orphan. I began to rationalize, well, maybe this was all so this would become such a deep conviction and passion that I would start a movement to help women realize their God given potential to help others.But Lord there were so many detailed confirmations! So one day, as I was praying, "I prayed, Lord? I need to know today what direction this is going, so first of all I can really get focused, and second of all, it is so emotionally expensive! That I don't know if I can afford this anymore!" Later that day actually at night, I checked my facebook, and a friend of mine sent me a YouTube video. It was of adoptive couples from America, going to pickup their children from China! Pretty remarkable right? This girl did not know, what a hard day I was having!So back to the adoption story, because it is settled. I am part of a website called Rainbow Kids. They email me pictures and profiles of children from China. I have been on this site for over a year and looked in the faces of hundreds of Chinese orphans. My heart goes out to all of them, but I was looking for someone in particular, with the sense that they belong in the Dahlke family!A little over a week ago, I was on this site again, and same thing, looking for the one, that would become a Dahlke. Well, the last little girl I found, jumped off the computer and right into my heart! There is just something about her. She belongs to us I beleive. So after some emails, and a preapplication we have been sent her medical files and a video of her. Her picture messed with my heart but to hear her voice and see her expressions stole my heart away! And Mr. Dahlkes too! And everyone in my family that I show her to, falls in love.Her name is Jiang Jing and she is 10 years old and has a smile that literally lights up a room! She has maybe mild cp {cerebral palsy} which we have had experience in dealing with. So tomorrow I will call the caseworker to see what the following step is. There is a nice grant that comes with her and some of the application fees are waived, because of her age. And there is a strong possibility that our ages will be fine bacause they really want to place her. We still need a financial miracle, but just a week ago I was handed another check. Praise the Lord!God is so good, and His Glory is His goodness. I will try to post a picture of her, so you can see what I mean! She is beautiful and I pray she becomes a Dahlke! And her name will be, someday soon, Kynda Lei Grace Dahlke!

My Bubby, Danny Boy

My Bubby, Danny Boy

Friday, August 14, 2009

Tomorrow my oldest son will marry. It's funny how these things happen. Daniel met the love of his life when he was visiting us from Wisconsin. He lived in LaCrosse up until last Labor Day, when he moved home. Jodi was a very close friend of our family, and her parents are good friends of ours.It was so sweet when they started to become 'friends.' I knew they would be perfect for each other, but really had no idea how perfect!They both have a love for music and are extremely talented. They have a passion for writing, and are both very creative thinkers. They tend to like the quiet and are very close to their families.I truly believe that the Lord brought these two together and they have been destined for each other! I could not have asked for a better best friend and wife for my son. She completes him, and he adores her. They are precious together and it's been so much fun watching their friendship blossom into true love.So tomorrow they will meet at the altar and become man and wife. This is the young lady I have prayed for all his life. With family, loved ones and close friends we will celebrate this love that God gave them.Daniel is one of the most compassionate people I know. Even as a little boy he was always wanting to help the underdog. He has grown into a man now, and a man who lives with passion and purpose. I am humbled and grateful to God for His love and faithfulness to my son.He was always my bubby, in fact, when he was about 4, not pronouncing his r's correctly, he would say, "Mom, I'll be your bubby thoevew!" Well, tomorrow, I will give my bubby to his one, true, love! Tomorrow he will become Jodi's bubby.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Washed By His Love

Praying today in our church sanctuary, there was song playing, loudly, on our church sound system. The line "washed by His Love ", was being sung and I began to meditate on that one line. What does that really mean to me?

I've done alot of washing, over the last 31 years of marriage. At one time, when all my children were at home I did on average of, 8-10 loads of laundry a day. Remarkable, I know, the mind reels at the thought! But you have to understand, with eight people in the house, it adds up to alot of dirty clothing, let alone towels and sheets!

If I had a dollar for every time I have said, "It's a good thing I love to fold clothes!", I would be a wealthy woman! I love the smell of fresh clean towels and an organized laundry basket. I know I need to get a life, but really it's the little things in life that are the sweetest.

Clean, smelling laundry is one of the ways I show my love to my family. Washing away all the sweat, dirt and grime from going out 'in the world', is so gratifying to me. In a simple way, I know I am in the center of His will when I do this for my family.

God's Love washes me daily, washing away the care of this world,as I meditate in scripture and allow Him to speak to me through His Word. He cleans up my act! Because I cannot do it on my own. I need His thoughts, His passion, His heart to be washed daily. As I go out in the world, I go out clean, not because of me or anything I've done, but because of His righteousness. All I've done is receive His Love! And I receive it everyday, all day. The best thing I can ever do is to stay connected to the Vine.

The life that flows through the Vine is His Love! I discovered almost 30 years ago, it is the only way to live. Allow His Love to shower you, you are the object of His Love! Allow His Love to rain down on you and let all fear, stress and confusion melt away! The cares of the world do not stand a chance against the mighty force of His Love!

Stand under the spout, the shower and get washed!! It's only a prayer away, "I receive Your Love!" The major serendipity of doing this, it makes it so much easier to love others. Instead of relying on mere human love, we can actually be filled to overflowing with His Love.

Maybe you do not have a clue of what I am talking about. By receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, the grime of sin is washed away! The residue that the world leaves on us is cleansed by the blood of Jesus. It's is the beginning of encountering the greatest gift of Love ever given to mankind. It's the beginning of the most spectacular Love relationship you will ever experience. He came to restore us back into relationship with the Father, He took the heat of our sin, so we no longer need be seperated from this most powerful Love! All we need do is repent, ask for forgiveness for our sin and invite Him into our heart to reside forever.

I have been hooked on this Agape' Love for almost 3 decades, and my life has been one adventure after another! I know He will never leave me nor forsake me. And His Love will never fail me. If you would like to, invite Him in tonight, when you lay your head on the pillow, and it's just you alone with your thoughts, think about it, consider it and I urge you to act upon it.

You will wake up a new person, knowing where you'll spend eternity, and honestly being able to say, "I have been washed by His Love."